5 Effects Of Quitting Smoking

I’m sure you are all to aware of the effects of not quitting smoking, but have you considered what will happen when you do quit.

The effects you will experience will depend on how you quit. If you go cold turkey then the major effects will be emotional plus for some the gnawing cravings will persist for some time. Whether you can apply enough will power to overcome these effects is unknown. a small percentage of people can however most fail.

1. Coming off cigarettes using quit smoking medications can complicate the situation. The side effects of these meds can be significant and much worse than going cold turkey.

2. Quitting using nicotine replacement therapies provides a mixed outcome. it does help some people deal with the cravings but because nicotine is a stimulant, and is given in much higher doses than is usually taking by smoking, many people report feeling nervous and have difficulty sleeping.

I’ve known clients to smoke with their patches on because the patches don’t manage their emotional bonds to smoking.

3. Using advanced hypnotherapy to quit cigarettes removes many problems typically experienced. no cravings, no medical side effects and no emotional upsets.

4. there are a couple of issues to consider. Many smokers delight in coffee with their cigarettes. Stressed out smokers can find themselves consuming a lot of coffee. Nicotine breaks down caffeine in your blood stream, so now you will notice a much stronger buzz from your coffee and you may need to cut back.

5. When people quit their blood sugar can become low as nicotine maintains an artificially high blood sugar level. Fruit is a better choice than sugar rich snacks.

5 Effects Of Quitting Smoking

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