Health and Fitness Articles » Blog Archive » Quit Smoking Naturally
Many people who are addicted to nicotine from smoking want to quit smoking naturally. their problem is that their bodies are accustomed to the regular intake of nicotine. the body must be weaned off nicotine so that it doesn’t crave it. A recommended way to do this is to quit smoking naturally.
How do you quit smoking? some smokers proudly answer that they just stop smoking all at once. Studies suggest that going “cold turkey” is the most effective technique for quitting smoking. this method works well for people who first prepare themselves for the powerful feelings of withdrawal. the body grows dependent on habit-forming drugs like nicotine, and will cause painful cravings that make smokers prone to relapse. Quitting now makes it possible to rid the body of all nicotine, a necessary step toward ending addiction. Though initially very uncomfortable, many experts believe that quitting “cold turkey” offers the best chance for success.
Combinations provide the body with herbs quit smoking that ease withdrawal from nicotine. the first combination is lobelia mirroring the effect of nicotine without being addictive. it helps to control the nicotine cravings and relaxes the mind and body. Valerian is a muscle relaxer herbs quit smoking to ease nerves as the body goes through the process of detoxing from nicotine. St. John’s wort helps to keep a positive mental attitude especially during the beginning stages.
Really, smoking happens to be our conscious choice when we start in the first place. after some time, it transforms into a sort of habit in our subconscious wherein we feel weird when we stop smoking and that urge forces us to smoke more. when you start your quit smoking hypnosis session with a therapist, he or she will ask few questions; when you first started smoking, frequency of smoking during the day, and so on. You should be mentally prepared to quit smoking before you opt for the quit smoking hypnosis session because otherwise it won’t work.
The tip which is the most psychological of all the quit smoking tips yet effective is to identify what your smoking triggers are and then eliminate them, for example, determine if you feel a compulsion to smoke cigarettes when you drink alcohol, during a work break or when you feel stressed. Once you recognize your triggers you can find ways to distract yourself by doing another activity during these times of temptation, for example, you can go jogging, walking or take yoga during stressful times.
Get started by making a list of the family, friends and professional supporters or consider joining a group and quit together. Pick a date to stop and get prepared with herbs quit smoking. Clear out all smoke related items, ashtrays, lighters, air out blankets, and clothing to rid the smell of smoke. Pick an activity to keep busy, it can help to distract from the urge to smoke. always have snacks available to replace the behavior habits of picking up a cigarette with herbs quit smoking.
Looking to find info on the best way to quit smoking – More Reasons to Quit Smoking, then go to our website to find the latest information on Stop Smoking Medication Information to help You Quit Smoking for you.
Tags: Alternative Medicine, Supplements
this entry was posted on Monday, November 7th, 2011 at 10:30 am and is filed under Alternative Medicine. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Health and Fitness Articles » Blog Archive » Quit Smoking Naturally