How can I make myself want to quit smoking?

I don't want to quit. I enjoy smoking. how do I make myself WANT to quit?

donate your extra money in orphant so you have to budget your

have you ever seen pictures of people who smoke? like of inside thier mouths? it is so yucky. it is really burned out, like you can see that it has been charred and killed by the smoke. your lungs will shrivel up and turn black and blue from lack of oxygen. try looking at pictures, because they are so yucky! compare how the lungs of a smoker and the lungs of a healthy human look and compare them. you can really like burn out your teeth from smoking. and that's not to mention that many people say that kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray! now how yucky is that? how theheck can you enjoy that?

Your question alone means youre interested in quiting because youre looking for a way… I was only able to quit because I got pregnant…not suggesting it, but I believe that is the only way that I wouldve quit.

Thruth be told, you can't make yourself do anything, its free will. You should only stop if you want to, not because others want you to. always remeber, your heart is more loyal and trusting then your mind, so always follow your heart.

I can only tell you what worked for me, I hope it helps.
When I was 25 I watched the woman I like suffer through, and loose, a horrific battle with cancer. In the 10 years that have passed since, the memories that still haunt me are not the ones of the Chemo sessions, or watching her get eaten alive from the inside out. They're not of the nights she shook in my arms in agony, or that sweaty smell of dread, pain, and approaching death that still wakes me in the middle of the night. My memories are not of her torturous demise, or the agony of my losing her, for those pains don't even scratch the surface of what I saw her parents go through. Her passing ruined them, and they struggle with their greif to this very day.
If you can't scare yourself into quitting, I suggest volunteering at any cancer ward in any hospital.
If that doesn't work think of how your impending demise will hurt the ones you like.
If you cant quit for yourself, then stop being selfish and do it for the ones who like you.

If you don't want to quit, don't. if and when the time comes that you decide to quit, don't say you'll TRY – you have to really have the mind set to say that – you WILL.

Excellent luck – you're not alone.

If it's any consolation, I myself am trying to quit, I have a notepad I keep with my cigarette case and I write down the time I light up and each day so far I have cut down. I think yesterday I smoked 23 today I smoked 16 and tomorrow Im gonna try for less. after all we gradually started smoking so why not gradually stop. So far mine has been working and I have been staying really busy. if I see that I smoked one at 9:00A.M. I make myself wait for an hour or two.good Luck

If you want to want to quit, I'd certainly recomend NOT reading this article (more of a research paper) that can be found here:

Stop long enough so that you can start to sense the natural repulsion your healthy body has for the effects cigarettes convey.

This can take many different forms. I curtailed smoking and increased running at the same time. At first I couldn't go far at all. Dropping my daily level of cigarettes helped me to up my mileage.

Another way would be to cut back on smoking and let your sense of smell come back. When you have it a small more fully recovered, breathe some fresh air and then immediately follow that with breathing in how your clothes or sweaters smell.

Or just wash out an ash tray and look at the gunk and stuff that is going into your body. do all of this after you've been away from smoking a bit so as to look at it from a fresher perspective. It may help your concious mind to start to run from this habit as quickly as possible.

Then when you succeed, treat yourself to something nice. Like a visit to that stranger you mentioned in an answer to my question.

Excellent luck! I've been there.

You might want to try Nicocure Quit Smoking Patch.

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How can I make myself want to quit smoking?

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