Effective ways to quit deathly cigarette smoking

June 30, 2010
By admin

Smoking is extremely injurious for your health.  Millions of ex-smokers realized this fact and took a lead in quitting smoking; few of them include famous personalities like Saif Ali Khan (an Indian Bollywood actor), Matt Demon and George W. Bush.  These people have set an excellent example for everyone, if they can quit why not me?  no matter how old you are or how long you have been smoking; quitting even today can help you prolong your life and be healthier.  The impact of smoking cigarette to various health diseases like cardiovascular, lungs, etc is well known.  This article explores different ways to quit smoking.


How can I quit smoking?

Quitting smoking is not really tough, if you prepare your mind for not smoking again.  If you have not prepared yourself, it may seem difficult to you.  Here are few tips that may help you to quit smoking

Pick a date to stop smoking: decide a date and then get ready for it. Do not go into the X+1 syndrome; for example, I will quit next week.  Then next week comes and you will again plan on quitting next week and so on.

Write down why you want to quit: What is the reason behind your decision? It would help you to firm your decision.

  • Would like to set a good example for your children or family?
  • Would like to live healthy?
  • Want to protect your family from second hand smoke.
  • Feel in control of your life?
  • You don’t like smoking, but started with peer pressure and so on


Know the withdrawal symptoms of smoking:  Nicotine in cigarette is one of the most addictive substances. you have to be mentally prepared; the maximum efforts required to quit smoking is to realize you need to quit. once you are determined, you have already won half the battle. to have knowledge of withdrawal symptoms will help you and your family to deal with the situations that can occur anytime, such as bad moods and craving to smoke.  Nearly all smokers have some feelings of nicotine withdrawal, when they try to quit. Give yourself at least a month to get over these feelings.  


Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT):  The treatment uses special products such as nicotine gum, nicotine inhaler, nicotine nasal spray, nicotine lozenges, and nicotine patch.  These products provide small, steady doses of nicotine that help to stop cravings and relieve symptoms that occur when a person is trying to quit smoking.

Stop smoking drugs: The anti-smoking drugs act on nicotine receptors in the brain and block the release of chemicals, thereby help in cessation of smoking.


  • ChantixorChampixis a prescription quit smoking medicine that is available in the form of a pill.
  • ZYBAN(bupropion hydrochloride) is another prescription medicine that can help you quit smoking.

Recently, FDA gave warning letter to Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline to add a black boxed warning on their anti-smoking drugs Chantix and Zyban to highlight the risk of serious mental health problems, including changes in behavior, depressed mood, hostility and suicidal thoughts or behavior.  I think best way of quitting is, just quit without any drugs, patches, etc.  I know it is easier said than done, but you can do it by your mental strength.

Don’t settle on less number or other kind of cigarettes: Smoking, even a few cigarettes a day can hurt your health. If your strategy is to reduce the amount the cigarette day by day, it may not be as effective.  soon, you will be smoking the same amount again.

Various smokers have quit, so you can too:  The good news is that half a million of smokers were successful in quitting their smoking habit with their strong will power. These people have learned to live life without a cigarette.


Get help if you need it:  many groups offer written materials, programs, and advice to help smokers quit for good.  See a list of National Groups with information and resources on how to quit. Few suggestions are as follows:

  • You can take help of books that have been written on the very subject. The most known book is written by Allen Carr’s “Easy way to Stop Smoking“. you would lik,e you can buy this on Amazon.com.
  • There are various supports available in the form of counseling’s, stop smoking programs, free quit coaching, a free quit plan and free educational materials. you can get more information at 1-800-QUIT-NOW
  • Your doctor or dentist is also a good person to consult for support.

The information I have provided here is based on data from Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Cleveland clinic, which are aimed at helping people to quit smoking for good reason.  I believe after reading injurious effects of cigarette smoking and benefits of quitting, you must have prepared yourself to quit smoking.  If you are still in dilemma, think about what you have already lost due to your smoking.  Jot down the points why smoking is good or bad for you. I am certain you will get your path yourself.

Related posts:

  1. FDA warning on anti-smoking drugs Chantix and Zyban
  2. Cigarette smoking is injurious for your health
  3. Prevent your child from smoking-Anti-tobacco campaigns
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Effective ways to quit deathly cigarette smoking

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