What are the benefits and dangers from smoking marijuana?

I heard that weed kills you're sperm count, I'm not sure what that means, but I don't like the sound of it, is it right? does weed really kill you're brain cells? what are the benefitis of smoking weed. does is it kill you're appearence? I smoke every month or two, thanks in advance.

There is NO benefit is smoking weed. it DOES kill your brain cells, it DOES kill your appearance, and CAN KILL YOU!!! Please, if you smoke it every 1-2 months, get some help, for the sake of your family, friends, and our nations children.


Carrot is a dumbass!

Can't think of a single benefit other than helping with nausea and pain in cancer treatment. and since you don't have that, there aren't any. Dangers? you smoke it, you pretty much know them.

ALL THE FACTS YOU NEED ABOUT THIS SUBJECT CAN BE FOUND AT erowid.org and they are all facts by the way. just look up marijuana on the site and you will find all the excellent and terrible.

What are the benefits and dangers from smoking marijuana?

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