When you quit smoking can you get a really bad cough?

I smoked for 6 years regularly…. yesterday was one week smoke free…cold turkey. I honestly didn't really have a bad smokers cough but now I am coughing lots…why is that?

i'm not sure why it is – but i also quit cold turkey and now my throat feels like i have a lump in it all the time -I have to keep clearing my throat and coughing. I would really like to know why that is too.

It's normal to have a bad cough when you quit smoking. your lungs are trying to get rid of all the tar and stuff that are caked onto them. It's very very normal though.

Good for you for quitting! Keep it up!!! You'll feel so much better :)

Your lungs are getting back to normalcy. The ciliae in the bronchial lining getting active and "cleansing" them.
Good for U!!!!!!!!!!!!

congrats on quitting… much healthier for you… i don't think you should be worried about the cough though.

Because your body is trying to readjust.

Good for you! Yes the coughing is completely normal and a good sign. The cells that line your lungs have little hair-like projections (cillia) that help move gunk out of your lungs. Since you're no longer smoking, those cells are regenerating and working overtime to clear out the tar build up that's accumulated. The result is an annoying cough that will go away in a few weeks.

Like the one answer stated, it is from the lungs. your lungs in time will clear themselves of all the toxins that have built up in there. It is coughed up with phlegm. Just spit it out and keep clearing the throat, you may need an over the counter cough suppresent, but like I said it will get clear and all will stop. Good luck to you sir, and may you never smoke again. If you do, the habit will only get harder to quit.

Congrats but going cold turkey isn't easy. I have tried and failed many times. Have you ever gone without a cigarette for awhile like hours or overnight and then smoked one? Didn't you get the cough response? I have especially after being hospitalized. your body is used to a certain amount of nicotine and all the other poisons they put in cigarettes. When you are not smoking anymore, your bodies defense mechanism kicks in and tries to rid the body of all the toxins. That's all there is to it. Best of luck to you and I hope you succeed. If you don't at first, try again.

When you quit smoking can you get a really bad cough?

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