Whats an easy way i can quit smoking for free?
ive been smoking for 7 yrs can i quit for free or do i got to pay money whats the best way without spending alot of money
cut off your head
Just stop smoking and buying cigarettes. that is free!
All you have to do is stop smoking. you do not need to pay money to stop smoking unless you need help with quiting. Hubby here quit cold turkey and has never had another cigarette.
throw the cigs away and lock yoruself in your room for a weekend with soda and gum
quitassist.com good luck
Lung cancer is an easy way to quit. With that in mind quit cold turkey and tough it out. You'll be glad you did. good luck!
Here's what I'm trying… not sure if it will work. I'm keeping track of how many cigarettes I smoke a day and each day either smoke the same amount or less. Eventually I should get down to zero. Also, chewing just regular old gum helps. good luck, its a nasty habit… and expensive!
There is no easy way.
there is NO "easy" way to quit smoking, free or not.
You can not quit for free unless you just cut back. Heres what to do
Say if you smoke a pack a day [which is 20] lower it down to 18. Smoke 18 for 2 days and then keep lowering it.
That's the only way that is free and there is not a easy way. you will still go through withdraw
Here's the best way to quit. it worked for me.
The money that you spent on cigarettes, spend on sugar free gum. Everytime you want a cigarette, put a new piece of gum in your mouth.
After two days, you are over the nicotine urge. Your body doesn't crave it anymore. but it has a psychological craving that you will have to overcome also. Make yourself take up a hobby or read or clean when that urge hits you.
Before you know it, you are over it completely.
I was a smoker for 30 yrs and now a non-smoker for 7 yrs. I don't miss it at all anymore and in fact, smokers smell bad to me when I walk up on them in stores.
The best way to quit smoking for free is to never start but since you are past that try cold turkey thats free…. just through out all your cigerets and tell yourself Im not going to smoke anymore…. also dont let people enable you by giving you cigerets after you quit hope this helps….
Quitting smoking is very personal and only you can decide how best to quit. Some people like cold turkey, some like patches and some like books and hypnotherapy. there is no bad way to quit smoking. I like the lozenges myself. just explore every option out there and find one that will work for you. Quitting will never be easy and you may slip from time to time. just learn from the experience and keep trying. FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION!!! Also, look at the website below. they offer a lot of stuff.
along with will power the best way is to go cold turkey… everytime u get a craving find something to do with your hands… like knitting or dusting or a crossword. also when u quit smoking ur appetite appears to increase…NOT THE CASE… basically ur wanting to out something in your mouth and food is the usual substitute… try chewing gum instead.
the craving for a cigarette actually last a few minutes.. so as long as u can keep urself busy then u shouldnt find it too difficult
also if you need extra help with the aid of patches id advise u go to ur doctor who can prescribe them for you.
good luck
I smoked for 8 years and I quit for free!
I tried Nicotene gum the first time I tried to quit 6 months prior to my real quit date and it didn't work. I wasn't mentally ready and I started smoking shortly after spending $50 and nasty tasting gum.
You have to be totally mentally ready or you won't be able to do it. If the people around you smoke, you have about a 90% chance of failing.
When I hit the 8 year mark I became disgusted with myself. I just turned 25 and started smoking in high school and heavily throughout college. I could tell my voice was getting raspy and I was always coughing up crap. I just decided how much I hated it and much I didn't want it in my life!
Now, a little over one year later I've been smoke free. If you can get through 14 days of no smoking, then you've kicked the habit. You'll have occasional urges after that, but the 14 days is the hardest.
STAY AWAY FROM OTHER SMOKERS! You'll cheat. I guarantee you. At least for these 14 days.
Now, I HATE the smell of smoke. My taste buds are more enhanced as well as my sense of smell.
You can do it. ONLY 14 DAYS!!!
Good luck!
PS: I just read several comments about cutting back from 20 cigs to 18 or something like that. That's not quitting. you can't have any what-so-ever. that will just take you down a trail of "maybe" for who knows how long. you have to throw whatever packs you have away RIGHT NOW. If you're truly mentally ready, you'd do it.
Just Stop! It's free, in fact, you will have EXTRA money to spend. And you'll need it because you are going to live longer! Drink lots and lots of water, get some hard candy, and determine ahead of time what you will do when you have a really bad craving. Don't drink alcohol (if you currently do) for a time, and have faith in yourself that you can do it. the 3rd. day is the worst. just Quit. you won't regret it.
I wish i had the answer to that question…. I'm wondering the same thing myself.
The best way to do it is the way i ended up quitting. Decide when you are going o smoke your last cigarette. after that trust me you are going to have a splitting headache and want to kill people; however; let me tell you its worth it. after a month or two without cigarettes you will feel like a new person. just make sure that you avoid convienent stores, and good luck!!!!
You should know that it is almost impossible to quite without help
i dont believe that its going to easy or free in the UK ( thats if your in the US) we have the NHS which is a health service and they can subscibe you a drug that 'hypnotises' you and doesnt allow your brain to even think about cigs and therefore making it easier for you to quit.(i think its called zyban ( pronounced [ zy-ban])
nicotene is a drug that makes you want more and its all about will power can you do it??? you'll be happier when you do!!!!!!! i am and im a little richer that i was before.
well i just stop just like that i think u just need to wanna stop really really bad that stuff thats out here dont work any1 that say it do thats just a mind thing they stopped.i was trying to quit 1 time i had on a patch i was chewing the gum & smoking all at the same time.