Should I quit smoking? And why?

July 1, 2010
By admin

I am 22 years old, I have been smoking since I was 12. I smoke around 1 1/2 packs per day. I will be leaving for college in 4 months, the college is 100% smoke free on the entire campus, I will have to walk off campus in order to smoke. tell me what you think. Also, any ideas on what helps you quit would be great! Thanks!

Yep. will improve your health dramatically.

Ok well I'm surprised the current prices of cigarettes haven't persuaded you already. Maybe the having to walk off campus everytime you want to light up will.

quit now, you have damaged ur lungs too much, and increased ur chances of geting lung and throat cancer, you have decreased ur sperm count, reduced ur white blood cells and left ur self more vulnerable to diseases.
Since nicotine is addictive willpower alone will not help u quit, u need to see ur doctor to discuss options, u need to quit before its too late

makes you get relaxed, and sometimes happy or more interested on your health?

both sound fancy to me

Well, let's ignore the health benefits of quitting, because you're probably already aware of that. having an addiction allows something else to control you, and nicotine is extremely addictive.

Personally, yes, I think it's worthwhile to quit smoking. You'll have more money to spend on other bad habits, too.

you know it's bad for you … so I am not going to take that path … how much is a packet of smokes ? times that by the number of packets you smoke a week .. then times that amount by 52 ( ie weeks in the year) and then times THAT figure by ten … now that doesn't allow for the rising cost of cigarettes … BUT it will give you a rough idea on how much money you could have saved if you didn't smoke it away …

SO .. what would you like to buy with that …

certainly you should stop smoking not just for you but also for those around you.

to quit use a nicotine replacement patch or gum or both, you can get these prescribed

do not cut down gradually but stop in one go. find other things to do with your hands as this absence will probably hit as hard as the withdrawal itself.

tell all your mates you are quitting and get their support, if they smoke ask them to not smoke around you at least for the first six months.

take up something else you would enjoy and put the money you save from quitting toward that.

see quitting as part of your quest for health and longevity not the entire thing.

my mother died at 42 from smoking related cancer and it was painful and undignified, i have developed asthma as a direct result of growing up in a smoke filled house so yes quit

I am a 61 year old mother and grandmother who has COPD –Chronic
Obstructive Pulminary Disease–which shortens life and makes breathing very difficult.I smoked when I was young but not a whole lot.
Not near like you do. if you could have this disease (which I pray you never do) for even one day you would see the harm in smoking even one cigarette.I ask you–would you sit down and drink a glass of
'embalming fluid' ? well check the ingredients in your cigarettes…..they have embalming fluid in them along with alot of other nasty junk you would never feed into your body orally yet you are inhaling it everytime you take a puff of smoke.This crap is going directly into your Lungs and staying there and building up there to
eventually kill you! is this not a good enough reason to quit smoking?
Well, if not, then WAKE UP! Realize that you are also doing that same harm or even worse to everyone you love who are around you! do you want to harm your loved ones and friends? Think of others even if you don't think of yourself! it sounds like you have an excellent place to stay to stop smoking to me–a 100 % smoke free didn't say if this is a christian college or not but it does sound like it possibly is–if so you can get alot of help from there also.above all, pray and ask the Dear Lord to help you to stop smoking. He loves you and He cares about you more than anyone else ever will and He created your body and cares what happens to it and only He can really give you the strength to say "NO" and mean it. I know because of so much personal experience through the past 50+ years of knowing him and never being let down by him even one might think he let me down by my having COPD but "no", He didn't tell me to be so STUPID and hurt the body He gave me–I did it..but He is the ONE who is giving me the strength to live each day with it.Each day I wake up to see my loved ones and watch my precious grandsons play and live their lives I have him to thank for it! I PRAY THAT YOU WILL STOP NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!! I have two sons who smoke and I am also praying for them. they do not smoke around mom but they are still carrying a certain amount into our home which I do not like. I am praying for them both and trying to encourage each of them.One of them has two little sons who are being exposed to this nasty stuff.
I had smoke in my home growing up as a kid and the Drs. say that second hand smoke can do as much or even more harm as first hand
smoke will be in my prayers! I do pray that you having to walk off of campus to smoke might help you stop.Add up all of the money you spend on smokes and then think of something else you have always really wanted to have and if you stop smoking you'll be shocked at how much other needs and wants you can have. you have already made the most essential step of all–you want to stop..that is #1.I wish you the very best!!!

You should stop smoking now! Did you know that smoking shortens a smoker's life by as much as 13 years? This is due to the various diseases that is associated with smoking; topping the list is lung cancer. Smoking also makes your aging process a lot faster than the normal rate. you can have wrinkles and lines on your face. You're just 22, you would not like to look like you're 40! So stop now and live longer!

Should I quit smoking? And why?

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