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Quit Smoking Aids ? Help yourself Quit Painlessly and Successfully

Posted on 08 July 2010 by admin

“Quitting smoking is simple. I’ve done it a thousand times.” This quote by mark Twain, aptly describes how tough it is for the addicts to stop smoking once and for all. Quitting cold turkey does help many smokers but many succumb to the temptation of having a puff again which gradually leads them back to their habit of chain smoking. In fact it has been observed that some smokers have to make 3 – 10 attempts to quit smoking in their life.

To make quitting attempts convenient and successful there are several quit smoking aids available in the market. Smokers can get help from a doctor or a dentist to decide on the most suitable quit smoking aid for them when they make a committed decision to quit.

Quit Smoking AidsSmokers are very much aware of the health risk posed by cigarettes on their body and most of them have an unconscious desire to break the habit one day. the biggest fear faced by smokers thinking about quitting are the withdrawal symptoms and whether they will be too much to handle. Withdrawal symptoms like cravings, headache, cough, fatigue, anxiety, anger, insomnia, constipation, weight gain etc can put tremendous pressure on someone who is trying to give it up, and more than often leads to them picking up the habit again. Often, the fear of nicotine withdrawal symptoms dissuade smokers from even making an attempt to quit smoking while those who attempt give in to the symptoms and get back to their ancient habit.

To help smokers quit successfully with minimum discomfort there are large number of quit smoking aids available today. Listed here are few of the most successful ones –

-Nicotine Replacement TherapyThe nicotine in cigarettes causes an addiction and unpleasant feelings of withdrawal when a person tries to quit. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) works by providing the body with nicotine generally in the form of a Nicotine Chewing Gum or Nicotine Patch without the other harmful parts of tobacco. other forms of nicotine based quit smoking aids include nicotine tabs, lozenges, nicotine nasal spray, inhalators. these aids can help a person concentrate more on quitting the habit of smoking by relieving the symptoms of withdrawal.

But, since NRTs contain nicotine, a certain risk of re-addiction is involved when using these products. Therefore, one must use this method carefully by following instructions from doctor.

-Nicotine-Free Quit Smoking AidsThese days there are several forms of quit smoking aids that do not use nicotine as an active ingredient. these are prescription based drugs and hence should be taken under a doctor’s care.

Zyban – the active ingredient in this quit smoking aid is bupropion hydrochloride. Developed as an anti-depressant drug, Zyban has been shown to dramatically reduce physical withdrawal symptoms associated with nicotine and hence works well as a smoking cessation aid.

Chantix – Developed by Pfizer, Chantix (varenicline tartrate) was approved by FDA in may 2006. Unique property of this popular quit smoking aid is that it reduces the level of satisfaction derived from smoking. Chantix also reduces the nicotine withdrawal effects and thus makes it convenient to quit.

Processes to Follow Quit Smoking Aids following processes may help smokers quit smoking successfully –

1.decide to Quit – This is the fundamental aspect of any smoking cessation program. Tell yourself honestly that you want to quit and you will quit.

2.Prepare to Quit – Plotting makes it possible. Set a quit date, seek support of your friends and family, and be prepared for the cravings that come with withdrawal.

3.Use Quit Smoking Aids – Quitting cold turkey is tough for people addicted to nicotine. Prescription drugs like Chantix reduce the impact of withdrawal and helps you quit successfully.

Benefits of Quit Smoking DrugsStudies reveal that quit smoking drugs quadruples a person’s chances to quit smoking as compared to trying it cold turkey. the best part of quit smoking drugs like Chantix is that it makes quitting a painless process as it significantly reduces the effects of nicotine withdrawals. the other good characteristic of Chantix is that is makes smoking less enjoyable for you. People on Chantix do not derive any pleasure out of smoking and are therefore reluctant to light up again. This is a significant feature of Chantix for smokers who are unable to bear the craving and have a tendency to break their smoking cessation program by lighting a cigarette.

Seek your doctor’s approval before using Chantix as a quit smoking aid and get the cigarettes out of your life, forever.

Quit Smoking Aids ? Help yourself Quit Painlessly and Successfully

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What are some tips and best ways to quite smoking cigarettes?

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What are some tips and best ways to quite smoking cigarettes?

Posted on 06 July 2010 by admin

if you quite how did you do it?

i never smoke. but may be this may help eat healthy and exercise.

Convince yourself that you don't need cigarettes. then, realize that you want to live your life to the fullest and not come up with breathing problems later on in the future(i.e. COPD,etc). if you have the drive to quite – you will succeed. But you must resist temptation! also, you can join groups of other smokers who are attempting to stop.

you do know quite is spelled quit don't you

the best way is cold turkey its terrible for a few days but after that its not a problem

Hopefully your friends are supportive and not smoke around you or keep you on point. you may not be able to go cold turkey but cutting back will help.
-When you get in a stressful situation, do breathing exercises or suck on a lolipop. anything that keeps you preoccupied.
-Go for the gum.
-Figure out how much money you spend a day,week, month on cigarettes and write a list of new things you can spend your money on. better things. put it towards the rising prices of gas… lol!

And most of all…. FANTASTIC JOB! your health with thank you and your money will be saved. you are a Hero for quitting.

What are some tips and best ways to quite smoking cigarettes?

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