Stop smoking weed benefits?

Hi Ive been smoking weed now almost everyday for the past 6 moths, I want to quit because i dont have any motivation for anything and am starting to get depressed.

So my question is if you used to smoke weed regularly, and you decided to quit, what benefits did you get from quitting. for example, improved memory, more motivation ect. thank you for those who answered my question.

youll know whats goin on more
and ull probably find it easier to focus in class or at work
and u wont cough as much.
smoking everyday can get exausting. lol

edit: haha patrick no u are right.. cause if you blaze everyday u dont talk as much caus ur parinoid that ull be hella obvious if you do..i kno what ur talkin bout. haha thats why i dont smoke soooo much anymore..still do :) )

You can pretty much get life back on track.
You'll have more money.
Your breathing will be better.
Of course you'll have better memory and motivation.

Better social life. (I'm pretty sure some people will thumbs down me for saying this but You don't need weed to have an awesome social life)

Yes some how your memory comes back

Weed is harmless except for the legal aspects, and it's a waste of money. Some people become obsessed with it, all they think about is getting high. Hence the stupid stoner generalization.

When i quit drugs…and then weed. I found that i could sleep better. my eating habits were not up and down. my memory has never improved. I have worse asthma because THC is a bronculator. (bad spelling)

Smoking weed increases your anxiety and depression. The main reason i quit was because of anxiety. if you quit your chances of feeling depressive may be lost.

Hope you do whats good for you bud

I've been on & off the smoke for six (6) years now. I oft take breaks ranging from a couple days to a couple months. You'll notice an increase in energy, especially in the morning, improved eating patterns, white eyeballs & a boost in sex drive.

Hang in there dj the negatives will dissipate over time. Hope this helps.

you'll get the munchies less and loose weight

more motivation

have more money

you'll be able to focus better

but its probably not the best idea to quit cold turkey
start out by smoking every other day
then 2 days apart
and so on

Stop smoking weed benefits?

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