I need 100 reasons to stop smoking?

can anyone reckon of 100 treasons to stop smoking, or just add a few to see if i can get 100 in total

You might be one of the fortunate smokers that don't develop lung cancer or emphysema….but then again you might end up with one of those conditions…or maybe both.
Be smart & try to quit. use a nicotine patch or something.
Nearly two years ago my husband died from emphysema. he had quit smoking 8 years before he learned that he had this disease because he knew it could end up damaging his lungs. he thought he was out of trouble but emphysema progresses (more slowly) even though a person has quit.
It's hard to even type this answer but I want to tell you that his death was slow, agonizing, spent in a hospital on a ventilator for nearly 2 years before he passed. Go to any major hospital, to the vent sections. I promise you it will be very unpleasant to see people suffering that way.you don't need a hundred reasons…just be smart.
I wish you well

I really despise people like you, oh i want 100 reasons to stop smoking. so lets bullet point and make it simpler,

* Saves money,
* Saves people who care about you hurt from your selfishness
* bad breathe and yellow teeth are not very attractive
* May even loose your teeth
* not matter which way you look at it smoking is suicide
* You'll moan like hell if you get ill and then expect doctors to save your pathetic life because you don't want to die, you have a life to live, family to look after.

But the thing is how important are family, your friends, your life. more a less than smoking. the choice is yours, no matter what anyone says wont change your opinion. the only thing that really matters is what is more important to you life or a slow and painful death.

If everyone did it, then it would put the anti-smoking industry out of business overnight.

I also noticed a couple of fallacies in some of the other answers. Smokers aren't more expensive than non-smokers as far as medical care is concerned. Smokers tend to go from reasonably healthy to dead in a comparatively small length of time, whereas non-smokers tend to hang on in there for considerably longer than smokers do, all the time costing far more in care. Also in the UK, smokers may cost the NHS £3 billion to treat (although I'm somewhat skeptical about the provenance of the figure), but the direct taxation collected on tobacco is the other side of £9 billion.

Cervical cancer was also mentioned, and yes, smokers are about 30% more likely to develop cervical cancer if they have HPV. if they don't have HPV then it's a moot point (99.7% of all instances of cervical cancer are in people with HPV, but somehow smoking is to blame?).


Why 100.
Cigarette smoking kills nearly about 420,000 people a year, making it more lethal than AIDS, accidents, homicides, suicides, drug overdoses, and fire. Smokers are also inhaling other chemicals including cyanide, benzene, formaldehyde, methanol (wood alcohol), acetylene (the fuel used in torches), and ammonia. Smoke also contains nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide, which are harmful gases.

The risks of smoking

1. Heart disease

Smokers in their thirties and forties have a heart attack rate that is five times higher than their nonsmoking peers. Cigarette smoking may be directly responsible for at least 20% of all deaths from heart disease, or about 120,000 deaths annually. Smoking cigars may also increase the risk of early death from heart disease, although evidence is much stronger for cigarette smoking.

Its damaging effects on the heart are multifold:

Smoking lowers HDL levels (the so-called excellent cholesterol) even in adolescents.

It causes deterioration of elastic properties in the aorta, the largest blood vessel in the body, and increases the risk for blood clots. It increases the activity of the sympathetic nervous system (which regulates the heart and blood vessels).

Tobacco smoke may increase cardiovascular disease in women through an effect on hormones that causes oestrogen deficiency.
2. Cancer

Smoking is the cause of 85% of all cases of lung cancer in 2000, account for 28% of all cancer deaths. Quitting reduces the risk for lung cancer, even well into middle age.

Smoking and smokeless tobacco also cause between 60% and 93% of cancers of the throat, mouth, and oesophagus. Smokers also have higher rates of leukaemia and cancers of the kidney, stomach, bladder, and pancreas. About 30% of cervical cancers have been attributed to both active and passive smoking. Lung cancer patients who survive and continue to smoke face a serious risk of developing a second tobacco-related tumour within ten years.

3. Dementia and neurologic diseases

People who smoke a pack a day have nearly two and a half times the risk of stroke as non-smokers. the best current research suggesting that smoking makes little difference in the risk for Alzheimer's, and if it does, the risk for dementia is slightly higher in smokers. certainly, smoking can affect blood vessels in the brain as it does in the heart, increasing the risk for dementia from small or major strokes.

4. Lung disease

Smoking is associated with a higher risk for nearly all major lung diseases, including pneumonia, flu, bronchitis, and emphysema. there is also a link between smoking and increased asthma symptoms. Heavy smokers with asthma are also more likely to seek emergency treatment for their condition during times of heavy ozone pollution.

5. Female infertility and pregnancy

Studies have now linked cigarette smoking to many reproductive problems. Women who smoke pose a greater danger not only to their own reproductive health but, if they smoke during pregnancy, to their unborn child. some of these risks include the following:

Greater risk for infertility in women.

Greater risk for ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage.

Greater risk for stillbirth, prematurity, and low-birth weight.

Smoking reduces folate levels, a B vitamin that is important for preventing birth defects.

Women who smoke may pass genetic mutations that increase cancer risks to their unborn babies.

6. Male sexuality and reproduction

Men's sexual and reproductive health is not immune from the effects of smoking.

Heavy smoking is frequently cited as a contributory factor in impotence because it decreases the amount of blood flowing into the penis.

Smoking also reduces sperm density and their motility, increasing the risk for infertility.
7. Behavioural and Social Problems

Children of smoking mothers are more likely to have more motor control problems, perception impairments, attention disabilities, and social problems than children of non-smoking mothers. some reasons for these associations have been suggested:

Women who breast feed and smoke pass nicotine by-products to their babies, which may contribute to these problems.

Women smokers tend to be less educated than women non-smokers, which may cause increased stress at home.

Smoking mothers and their children may share certain inherited psychologic factors, such as depression, which cause addictive and behavioural problems that are unrelated to smoking itself.
8. Effects on bones and joints

Smoking has many negative effects on bones and joints:

Smoking impairs formation of new bone and women who smoke are at high risk for osteoporosis.

Postmenopausal women who smoke have 17% greater risk for hip break at age 60, a 41% greater risk at 70, and a 108% greater risk at age 90.

Smokers are more apt to develop degenerative disorders and injuries in the spine.

Smokers have more trouble recovering from spin

1. because you can!
2. Quitting decreases the overall risk of death (all causes combined) by 50%
in 15 years as compared to continuing smokers.
3. Heart disease
4. Stroke
5. Atherosclerosis
6. Peripheral vascular disease
7. more than 50 of the 4,000-odd substances are known to cause cancer.
8. Cancer of the lung.
9. Cancer of the oral cavity
10. Cancer of the throat 11. Cancer of the esophagus
12. Cancer of the pancreas
13. Cancer of the kidney
14. Cancer of the urinary bladder
15. Cancer of the cervix.
16. Incidence of obstructive lung disease
17. Chronic bronchitis
18. Emphysema
19. Other substances are known or suspected mutagens, that is, they cause
permanent, often harmful changes in the genetic material of living cells.
20. Smoking is responsible for over 50 different medical conditions.
21. Women who smoke take longer to fall pregnant and are more likely to
22. Men who smoke may suffer impotence.
23. Smoking can also affect sperm quality.
24. Mothers who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to have low birth
weight babies,
25. Mothers who smoke give birth to babies who are premature, stillborn, or
die shortly after birth. Sudden Infant Death.
26. Toxic tobacco Smoke, AKA Second-Hand Smoke harms others.
27. Toxic Tobacco Smoke can cause asthma in your children
28. Smoking reduces oxygen to the brain, thus may affects your mental
29. Smoking reduces your ability to perform in activities, such as sports.
30. you are paying Huge Tobacco your hard-earned money to cause you harm.
31. Depending on where you buy cigarettes. you can save over $2550 a year if
you smoke a pack a day. For that money you can have a fantastic vacation.
32. Smoking destroys your Brain chemistry.
33. Smoking is a selfish drug and affects your personality for the worse.
34. Nicotine a poisonous, addictive drug Nicotine has also been linked to
35. Nicotine is more addictive than Heroine.
36. Tobacco smoke contains 4000 Chemicals.
37. Smoking causes your breath to smell
38. Smoking causes your teeth to yellow.
39. Smoker's Cough
40. Smell and taste improves within days
41. fire prevention
42. Increased work productivity
43. Your family and friends will stop nagging you to quit.
44. You'll have more motivation to do the things that are really vital
to you.
45. Cough/sore throat
46. Breathing problems
47. Gum disease risk
48. Nonsmokers dont like kissing smokers. there is nothing sexy about
49. you won't feel like a leper in public. more than 70% dont smoke.
50. you wont have to lie about your addiction.
51. Frostbite in the winter would be a thing of the past. Your fingers and
toes will thank you.
52. you wont have to go outside to smoke to get your Nicotine Fix.
53. you pets will live happier and healthier.
54. you wont have to dry clean your clothes as much.
55. Every cell in your body will benefit.
56. Your house will smell better
57. Your Car will smell better.
58. you will be a winner, who does not let Nicotine control you.
59. you will have a lot more energy.
60. you will contribute less to world pollution.
61. Tobacco smoke has ammonia in it.
62. Tobacco smoke has Lead in it
63. Tobacco smoke has Hydrogen Cyanide in it.
64. Cheaper Life Insurance
65. It's never Too Late to Quit
66. chose health over addiction
67. Risk of anesthesia and post-operative complications are increased by use
of cigarettes.
68. 50 million Americans have already stopped smoking, so why cant you.
69. because you know that you want to.
70. When you quit 20 minutes…Blood pressure drops to near the level before
you had your last cigarette.
71. 8 hours…Carbon monoxide level in the blood drops to normal.
72. 24 hours…Chance of heart attack decreases.
73. 2 weeks to 3 months…Circulation improves. Lung function increases up
to 30%.
74. 1 year…Chance of heart attack is cut in half.
75. 5 years…Stroke risk is reduced to levels of a non-smoker's
76. after 10 years of quitting, pre-cancerous cells are replaced and cancers
such as mouth, larynx, esophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas decrease.
77. after 15 years off cigarettes, the risk of death for ex-smokers returns
to nearly the level of persons who have never smoked.
78. because you love yourself.
79. you want more control over your life
80. no more going to the store in the rain or snow for your addition.
81. you can have sex longer without being out of breath.
82. Smoking has been linked to depression
83. Smoking will not help you lose weight.
84. Children tend to imitate their parents
85. Smoking makes no sense.
86. Your hair, clothing and breath will no longer smell of cigarettes.
87. not socially acceptable.
88. Smoking interferes with hormones
89. Birth Control Pills and Smoking severely increases risk to heart attack,
stroke and blood clots.
90. Cigarette smoking appears to be a substantial risk factor for the
development of diabetes
91. Smokers were 1

Smokers have an increased risk of the following:
* Lung cancer
* Lung disease
* Heart attack
* Heart disease
* Hypertension
* Stroke
* Oral cancer
* Bladder cancer
* Pancreatic cancer
* Cervical cancer
* Pregnancy complications
* low birth weight babies
* Early menopause
* lower estrogen level for women
* Facial wrinkles
Children of smokers have an increased risk of the following:
* Sudden infant death syndrome
* Respiratory infections
* Lung cancer
* Ear infections
Please note that you can't stop smoking till you get one of the diseases mentioned above. This is due to nicotine dependence and it will be too late to stop smoking.

With around 500,000 people dying from nicotine and tobacco effects annually in the USA that's an average of 1,370 dying every single day of the year. So I offer you 500,000 reasons to get free of it by a decision to live without its experience. the way I got free was to say, I choose to not smoke'. every time I sensed the earliest impulse to light up another one. the desire for another cigarette is due to feeling withdrawal symptoms from the previous one. This is causing legalized genocide.

1) in 20 minutes – your blood pressure and pulse return to normal
2) in 8 hours – nicotine, carbon monoxide and oxygen levels in your blood begin to return to normal
3) 2 days – your lungs start to clear and your sense of taste and smell begin to return
4) 3 days – breathing is simpler and your energy levels increase
5) 2-12 weeks – circulation improves and exercise gets simpler
6) 3-9 months – breathing problems, coughing, shortness of breath and wheezing improve
7) 5 years – risk of having a heart attack falls to about half that of a smoker
8) 10 years – risk of lung cancer falls to about half that of a smoker. you have the same risk of a heart attack as someone who has never smoked.
9) Smoking is very expensive. At today's rates, smoking around twenty cigarettes a day for the next twenty years would cost you over £30,000.
10) if you smoke, you may be exposing your friends, partner or children to your smoke. So your smoking could be endangering the health of people you love.
11) Smoking can also have a huge impact on your home. Quitting smoking will mean no more stale cigarette smells, smoke stained walls, cigarette burns on your furniture and ash trays to clear up.
12) You'll have fewer wrinkles.
13) You'll be around to see your grandchildren.
14) you won't become impotent
15) you won't get yellow teeth and fingers
16) You'll cough less
17) You'll reduce the risk of your baby dying from SIDS (cot death)
18) You'll be a excellent role model
19) if you need surgery you'll be less likely to die on the operating table
20) Your insurance premiums will drop
21) Your breath wont smell
22) Your house won't smell
23) you won't have nicotine stained walls
24) you won't be giving money to greedy corporate giants
25) You''ll have freedom from an addiction that restricts the way you live
26) you won't feel guilty/frustrated about wanting/needing a cigarette
27) Reckon about the extra time you'll have to do other things. if it takes six minutes to smoke a cigarette, that works out at two hours a day for a 20-a-day smoker. That's not including time spent emptying ashtrays, searching for lighters, buying cigarettes, checking you've got enough…
28) you won't have your hands and feet cut off: if you smoke regularly for a long time you may get a disease called "peripheral vascular disease" this disease cause narrowing of the blood vessels which restricts blood flow to the hands and feet, leading to gangrene and the amputation of limbs (someone who drinks in the bar i work in had his legs removed due to this – this was after several very painful operations on his arteries)
29) You'll have more stamina
30) Your hair won't smell
31) Your clothes won't smell
32) You'll increase your confidence: Quitting smoking is a challenge. once you have quit, you will know you can succeed at hard taks and take more control of your life. Quitting helps you believe in yourself
33) Youll be less likely to get Alzheimer's Disease: in the elderly years, the rate of mental decline is up to five times quicker in smokers than in nonsmokers
34) You'll be less likely to become blind: Smokers are four times more likely to become blind because of age-related macular degeneration than those who have never smoked. But quitting can lower that risk
35) You'll be less likely to snore
36) People who smoke for more than 20 years are 70% more likely to have acid reflux disease

and the most important reason…

37) YOU'RE READY!!! Excellent luck!

do you really need 100 reason for quitting it?! you could accept a fact just for one reason!Stopping smoking can make a huge difference to your health. It is never too late to stop smoking to greatly benefit your health. For example, if you stop smoking in middle age, before having cancer or some other serious disease, you avoid most of the increased risk of death due to smoking.

1) I smoke
2) I'm 17
3) I shouldn't
4) loads of people tell me so
5) but i know it's
6) addictive
7) but
8) most people i've met/dated
9) say it's a complete
10) turn off.
11) although i can't judge
12) i'd say
13) you should give
14) up
15) because its so very
16) healthy not to.
17) Also you'll
18) save lots and lots of
19) MONEY,
20) and money is
21) really quite
22) handy!
23) you can buy lots of
24) stuff (:
25) Smoking doesn;t look
26) cool..
27) so if that one reason
28) why
29) you
30) smoke,
31) then you're incorrect!
32) but i don;t
33) reckon
34) that really is one
35) of the reasons
36) you smoke,
37) i just needed
38) to make more points
39) on why
40) you shouldn;t
41) smoke!
42) lol.
43) i hope i'm
44) in some way.
45) at least,
46) helping you
47) on your giving
48) up thought
49) cos other wise i'd be
50) time wasting!
51) another reason
52) why you should
53) give up smoking
54) is if you have
55) children
56) they could get
57) bullied
58) from smelling of
59) cigarette
60) smoke!
61) if you don't have
62) children
63) then that's not a valid
64) point for
65) you.
66) my neck hurts.
67) your fingers
68) won't be
69) yellow and
70) dirty looking
71) if you give up smoking
72) also.
73) oh and
74) you can replace your
75) cravings
76) with
77) either:
78) food
79) hobbie
80) or more sex!
81) it's entirely
82) up to you!
83) however,
84) don't give up for
85) a week or so
86) like my friend
87) Jason
88) and then cave
89) in
90) again.
92) as i have
93) sat here and
94) wasted my time writing
95) a load of
96) nonsense (sp)
97) another reason you
98) could give up
99) could be for
100) ME!

Hope it helped mate!

Ok I let in on why I quit!

My Grandad 6 years ago on 1 Nov had died because of smoking related cancer.
The smoking attacked his heart and lungs but had spread so quick around his body.

The sight of him dying in agony through something he had control over made me boil- its like his ciggs were far more important than me, my auntie who was only 17 and i 15
his wife and other members of family

Even though he was warned he could not or really he would not give up- he used the terms if I smoke and die I smoke and die happily – but he did not he had the worst death I ever saw and to see your family member or someone you love go in such pain, wiping the blood from their nose their ears cleaning their butt and front and wiping the drool Filledd fillied with tarry stuff. its not a pretty sight and even though i saw that i carried on.

I have kids and i saw my boy picking up a lolly imatating me smoking a scary sight ay, and i did not even smoke near them but they would have saw me through the window,

now I have quit the best things I love it are:

my family and friends compliment my purfume
I no longer feel bad when i kiss my hubby
I smell SWEET
food tastes EXCELLENT
NO coughing
NO bad smell
NO more running to shops
NO more going broke


You only need one and that is it kills. It kills by you drowning in your own fluid, it kills you by burning you by your own breath, it is a horrible way to go and is not swift, is not pleasant and is not going to happen if you stop in time.

i probably wont reckon off 100 myself but i will have a shot of 5 instead.

1 – you will live longer

2 – less likely to die of lung cancer

3 – you save money

4 – your taste buds will come back

5 – you will get laid more

I will not list 100 reasons but 1 excellent one is to LIVE LONGER .Reckon about it to many people die in pain from smoking related illnesses.

Invest the smoking time into something more productive and that benefit from.

You'll save money.

You'll live longer.

You'll feel better.

You won't stink like a filthy ashtray.

You won't get wet if you're in a pub and it's raining.

How about the last 100 people to die from smoking related illness.Excellent luck with your stop smoking efforts.

1. saves money (but i just eat less)
2. no
who wants to stay in this crappy world that long anyway? its going to hell.

You wont stink like an ancient unwashed ashtray, yes smokers that is how you smell to the rest of us.

Why 100 reasons? one reason it F…. your health & wealth is enough.

Your children or future fertility.
Your health
You WILL die young
A waste of money

Those are the main ones

You'll save money
You'll sleep with 99 more women.

only one,

that it will mean you have an earlier death than non smokers.

WHY 100 u give me 1 reason why to smoke?

because i and 99 other people quit 2 days ago and we need one more person to help and support us..

i wish i could

you will die coughing up your black lungs!

im just plain happier when i breath clearly

I need 100 reasons to stop smoking?

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