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The Terrible Effects of Smoking During Pregnancy

Check out this info on signs of diabetes. many people are aware of the dangers of smoking and being exposed to second hand smoke. It only stands to reason that the dangers of smoking during pregnancy are also extended to the unborn baby. This topic has been research and there have been studies done. these studies have found correlations between smoking and the effects on the babies. many medical problems have been positively correlated with smoking while pregnant. moreover, even if the pregnant mother does not smoke, yet is exposed to second hand smoke, then the dangers still exist for the baby. here is information about some the serious consequences of smoking during pregnancy.The nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide you inhale while smoking are passed on to your baby. You might not realize that your second hand smoke will damage your baby’s lungs in some harsh ways. The possibility of complication is high. You see, the chemicals in the baby’s blood, from the cigarettes, helps to displace the oxygen plus it can bind the oxygen in other reactions. Your baby needs oxygen to live and develop properly. one very common problem caused by a mother smoking during pregnancy is low birth weight in their newborn baby. then, there are additional complications that can arise from low birth weight. in the US low birth rates make up more than 20 percent of all babies born. Preterm labor is also common in mothers who smoke during pregnancy. one study shows a 14% likelihood of preterm delivery caused by smoking. an even worse statistic is the estimation that about ten percent of all infant deaths, including SIDS, is due to the mother smoking while pregnant. That statistic is according to the American Lung Association.There are negative effects on the unborn child when you smoke and are pregnant. There are many culprits, but cigarette smoking is the main one.Blood vessels constrict when nicotine is present in the blood. Constricted blood vessels reduce blood flow and less oxygen is available. by smoking during pregnancy you decrease blood oxygen to our baby’s brain and cardiovascular system. Smoking during pregnancy has serious effects that could potentially be fatal to your unborn child. while most known effects passed on to your baby are not fatal you need to remember that you are compromising the health of your baby. Very many of the body’s organs and processes will be negatively affected, and there is evidence supporting that your child’s future behavior may be adversely affected, as well.

The Terrible Effects of Smoking During Pregnancy