
Stop Smoking Aids Offer Help

Stop smoking aids can be wonderful tools for smokers who are desiring to quit. Many get a bad reputation for any number of reasons. Ultimately, many people who are trying to stop smoking decide to use a specific stop smoking aid based on another person’s experience. Stop smoking message boards are littered with people asking the same questions, “Has anyone used The Patch?” or “My neighbor used Chantix and had a bad experience, has anyone else used it?“. It seems that in this current age of simple access to data, people are simply trying to get as much information on the quit experience as they can before truly committing to the attempt. who can blame them? Arming yourself with as much quality information as possible, is key when trying to stop smoking.

Unfortunately, for the person wanting to quit, they are missing out on an important element which could define their outcome. But before we get to this, let’s look at some of the front-line stop smoking aids available.

The nicotine replacement therapies have been around for a long time and have been studied by the medical community rather intently. They are exactly what they sound like, nicotine replacement for the nicotine found in the cigarette. This type of therapy typically doubles your chances of quitting over quitting cold turkey. Some forms of nicotine replacement are over the counter, while others require a prescription. This obviously impacts the price quite a bit. Many people feel the price may be too expensive if their chances of success are only at 8%.

Zyban is an anti-depressant medication that was found to be effective in helping people quit smoking. It requires a prescription and close medical follow up, as all anti-depressant medications do. This has also been shown to double your success of quitting cigarettes over that of cold turkey alone.

Chantix is the newest kid on the block and seems to offer the greatest chance of success. It too is available only by prescription. It arrived with much fanfare, but has since received some bad press in the last few years over its potential side-effects. But, it does offer a potential success rate of around 20% which is by far the highest of the traditional front-line stop smoking aids.

So, what is the important element people miss out on when they make their selection of what method to use to help them quit smoking? They simply forget to consider that their smoking habit is their own. It is as individual as a fingerprint. although, many people who smoke share similar triggers, as well as other facets of their smoking habit, the combination of the physiological addiction and behavioral cues are ultimately unique to that individual. This is why anyone who smokes, must match up their habits, personality, tendencies, habit and addiction to the stop smoking method that best suits that profile. Current success rates would be much higher for all stop smoking aids, if this simple step were followed.

Stop Smoking Aids Offer Help

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