Stop Smoking Products

I need advise on the best method to stop smoking. I really need to stop for the sake of my health.?

I went to fagends the Roy Castle place and they gave me loads of support. I stopped smoking after 35 years and havent had one for 3 yrs now and dont even crave one

Well…there is nicorette gum and the patch and then there is prescription zyban pill (aka wellbutrin) those are the simpler softer ways. There is counseling available from American Cancer society which is by phone and free. When I quit 4 months ago I just quit cold turkey. I prayed everyday for God to help me to stay away from cigarettes. I drank massive quantities of orange juice because it is supposed to help with cravings. I chewed regular sugarless gum everytime I wanted a cigarette. I kept a loose rubberband around my wrist so my hands would have something to fidget with when I felt like smoking. I kept plenty of fresh crunchy veggies like carrots and celery on hand to munch on for about 3-4 weeks so I wouldn't gain too much weight when my appetite returned and I realized how excellent food tastes without a mouth full of smoke. I made a list of all the reasons I wanted to quit and taped it to the door that I used to go out to smoke. I thought of all the excellent things that would happen because I quit and made a list of those. I quit smoking in the middle of the pack…just threw the rest away instead of, "waiting until I finished that pack." the first three days were the toughest but after that it was smooth sailing. I still pray for God to keep me nicotine free. I can breathe simpler and I don't stink anymore. I am healthier and I feel great!

Chantix. I have had six out of seven freinsd quit that way. I have it sitting on my desk right now – just waiting to quit a course of another med…….I should clarify, of the seven who tried it, six put down the smokes. (the last one really doesn't want to quit, his wife wants him to – really, the wrong motivation)

Excellent Luck

I haven't had a cigarette for nearly 2 years. I used Niquitine 4mg lozenges.
They provide the nicotine in a safer way. I'm still addicted but don't get all the harmful, carcinogenic, 'extras' with my tablets.
In the UK you can get a script from your Dr for these.

I have been using This alternative therapy call Emotional Freedom Technique which has helped me a lot. It's very excellent at getting rid of all kinds of negative emotions and dealing with all kinds of issues quickly. It does sound crazy but does work. It might be something that can help you. if you type smoking in to the search engine of you should find some articles about EFT helping people who smoke.

Patches and gum from your G.P because they are cheaper that way I did and i have not smoked for just over 3 months and i was on 20 a day. Excellent luck.

I used a 21mg patch combined with inhalor eening off both gradually. I cut the patches in half to cut down as opposed to buying the lesser strength which is a lot more cost effective!!

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i used a recording to stop smoking . i found out about it from reading a weight loss article in a health journal…and i checked out this company, independent achievement productions and they had stop smoking cd….anyway, i followed the instructions…and no more…..finally….prior i would quit, start, quit….but this has lastest a year so far

IF your Christian, You should pray about it!

Try Alan Carr's 'simple way to stop smoking'
It Un-brainwashes you about smoking.

I need advise on the best method to stop smoking. I really need to stop for the sake of my health.?

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