D-Day is near for smokers

13 comment(s) found!

Argh! : 6/30/2010 ThadKBartley.com the government should stay out of our lives. let us decide which establishments to shop based on smoking or not. let us decide if we want to live through a crash or not by letting US decide whether to wear a seatbelt or not. Personally, I would wear it, but don’t force us. let the mobile phone industry decide how to implement stops to texting and driving. Leave us alone!-Hands off!

Seriously?? : 6/30/2010 While I agree in most cases for less Government involvement – I think that most of these laws are DEAD on… I for one am glad I can now shop, eat, and conduct business in smoke free places – as does my 8 year old son who is highly allergic to smoke. Texting while driving does not only endanger the life of the idiot doing it, but also the lives of those on the roadway around such idiot… glad this one was passed. Seat belt law – while I agree that perhaps those above the age of 21 could decide for themselves – kids should definitely be required to be buckled in. these laws have been put in place to protect those of us who do not partake in these life threatening habits by not forcing us to conduct our daily business or drive on the road with people who do partake. -Just saying…

Let me get this straight.. : 6/30/2010 If the business owner doesn’t care if the people smoke in they business, but post a sign and don’t call the police for customers smoking. then what? the SMOKE POLICE come in and raid the business for smokers? Bust down the door etc. with guns drawn? Phyically taking customers away from the business owner business? What kind of a republic is this? or is it anymore? -Concerned for America.

Emancipation : 6/30/2010 why not CELEBRATE the smoking ban as freedom for NON-smokers. I have no problem with smokers provided they keep the smoke to themselves and stop posing a health risk to everyone else around them. What about MY rights? I have the right to NOT be exposed to secondhand smoke. I have no pity for smokers. This article seems to show a sympathetic bias towards smokers. Weak, very weak.-Ban Smoking in Public!!!

MMMM…… : 6/30/2010 I dont see a problem with the smoking ban, but i do see a problem with allowing it ONLY in STATE owned casino’s. Are they afraid of losing money? Wonder how much money the bar owners will lose. If they are going to ban it, ban it every where. -State dont want to lose money

trashy : 6/30/2010 I moved to KS from another state where they implimented a similar law in regards to smoking. when they passed this law, all the ashtrays near store entrances etc where removed because of the poximity to the doors. All of those cigerette butts then ended up on the ground. It made the town look trashy. the bars all set up outside areas for smoking and thats where the people hung out, no matter what the area. those that are for this law thinkk that it will make people quit smoking, it wont, peolpe adjust.-transplant

yes you have a right to not be exposed to second hand smoke : 6/30/2010 you also have the right to NOT hang around it and can leave at any time. I, also, have the right not to be exposed to idiots, so I guess I have the right to demand that you stay home while I am out and about in public.-tired of everyone being a victim

: 6/30/2010 Transplant…. so let them adjust. Hands off…. selfish, selfish. I say that because I assume you have at least ONE person that loves you. do you care so little about him/her/them that you are willing to not wear a seatbelt and increase your chances for death in an accident? You may not care…. but maybe you should think of how another person that loves you feels. Or even if you are in a wreck w/ another vehicle and you die…. the other person lives with that. Yes…. selfish on your part. I am for limited government, but but the laws like seat belts are in place because of people like you, not just for you. Yeah… and you really think the phone industry will do that??? -JP

text law needs rewritten : 6/30/2010 what is to stop a motorist from saying she wasn’t texting, he was surfing the internet, or downloading music? Motorists do all these things on their telephone while driving.. not just texting!!! And yes, you know who you are.. I AM talking about you!-ghostwriter

LMAOOO : 6/30/2010 I smoke and yes I have always tried to be very considerate of other people who do not smoke. I have many friends who do not. but where do we draw the line here. What will they take next…maybe the music in your car distracts you while driving lol. I actually know ppl like this unfortunately. but you do what is called defensive driving. the seat belt law well I agree children should be buckled in in one fashion or another but as someone who was stuck in a car after an accident because it had automatic seat belts….it had to be cut to get me out. someone t-boned me and killed power to my car…so Im very leery of wearing a seat belt. I see more ppl reading going down the road than texting. Way to many laws an some will be almost impossible to enforce. I for one dont need a BIG BROTHER watching my every move.-Greeneyez

: 6/30/2010 why is it illegal to smoke in all public places EXCEPT for the Casino’s where the state makes a profit? Black or white guys. Can’t have it both ways. -Laughing at Kansas… AGAIN

smoking ban, ha! : 6/30/2010 I went out and got an electronic cigarette. It gives you the boost you need when you can’t smoke for real. the water vapor it puts off when you exhale evaporates immediately. I never would have imagined in a million years anyone would invent such a thing. I’m satisfied and nobody can complain about 2nd hand smoke. I’m down to less than 1/2 a pack a day thanks to it. I only hope they don’t ban them next for some un-known reason. -smoke if i want

To BUTThead : 6/30/2010 I’m not a victim but if smokers do NOT have the right to expose others to their smoke. It’s called – RESPECT. If you wish to die at an early age, that IS your right but it is NOT your right to subject me to the same outcome. do the rest of us a favor and use UNFILTERED cigarettes so you can die SOONER.-The Guru

D-Day is near for smokers

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