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Side Effects of Quitting Smoking

In your quest to fight your smoking addiction, it is important to keep the benefits of a smoke free life in mind – such as better health for yourself and for those you like, whiter teeth, no more tobacco smell on your body and clothes, plus many others. however, it is also imperative to know what you are dealing with. There are certain hurdles that you have to jump through to finally and completely kick the habit. a number of these hurdles may come from external variables, but most challenges come from within your body in the form of side effects of quitting smoking.

The first step in quitting smoking is to be aware of what will happen. Understanding what your body will go through is the most ideal way to prepare yourself for the side effects of giving up smoking. Not knowing what to expect may set you back a few steps and distract you from your goal of quitting. although the effects of giving up cigarettes can be extremely unpleasant, bear in mind that these are often temporary and can be dealt with.

Physical and Psychological Effects of Quitting Smoking

The side effects of kicking the habit can be classified as physical and psychological. the initial 2 weeks are deemed to be the toughest, with symptoms exacerbating within 48 to 72 hours after quitting. These symptoms will completely subside only after 12 weeks, and only then will you feel at ease once more.

The initial psychological impact of quitting includes irritability, anxiety, and an intense urge to smoke. with time, you may experience some tremors in your hands and feet as well as excessive sweating. Later on, you may suffer from intense depression that accompanies withdrawal. this initial depression can manifest as grief, as if you have recently lost something very important. the best course of action is to simply endure this sensation of sadness, keeping in mind that this is just a normal part of the healing process. allow yourself to come to terms with your loss and wait for the feeling to pass. in addition to depression, you may also experience confusion, insomnia, mood swings, plus a sense of neediness, helplessness, and vulnerability.

Initial depression may potentially progress to long-term depression, especially in cases where the person already has a predisposition to the condition.

The physical side effects of quitting include gastrointestinal difficulties like intestinal cramps, constipation, nausea, and headaches. you may also suffer from respiratory disturbances such as colds as your lungs are starting to clear.

Additionally, a majority of smokers have been observed to gain weight after kicking the habit, although this may not apply to everyone. If your figure is your primary concern, you are advised to compensate by doing extra exercise and/or going on a weight loss plot.

Acknowledging the side effects of quitting smoking will prepare you for these symptoms as they manifest. Remember that these symptoms will normally disappear after a few weeks. the only long-term repercussion of quitting is a positive one, that of a general improvement in your overall health.

Side Effects of Quitting Smoking