Posts Tagged ‘ smoking related disease ’

I Want To Quit Smoking – But Not Just Yet

It’s strange; if we’re really honest with ourselves we know there are certain truths about life that we can guarantee with a level of certainty. we don’t look at these truths because we know they’re coming.

Now in the case of people who smoke cigarettes it’s quite certain that many them will quit some day and never smoke again. of course most won’t admit it because of the specific circumstance that will cause this to happen.

When the price becomes so extortionate that continuing to smoke will stop them from obtaining essential priorities such as food and clothing.

When they notice they can’t get up a flight of stairs without wheezing and coughing.

When someone close to them dies from a smoking-related disease and causes them to rethink their lives.

When they begin to notice that cigarettes are starting to affect their skin, making them age prematurely.

When they notice that they never really loved cigarettes, they were just satisfying an uncomfortable craving made by them.

When they notice they can’t stand the taste of their own mouth after a cigarette

When their smoking habit causes someone close them to develop a smoking-related disease as a result of the inhaling second-hand smoke.

When they themselves contract a life-threatening smoking-related disease.

Or ultimately – and this is the one method that allows most smokers to quit the habit and is actually 100% effective in every single case – death

The excellent news is, you don’t have to wait for any of the above things to happen, you can simply quit today and start living a healthier life free of nicotine; and all it takes is one simple decision, right now in this moment.

Can you do it? Will you do it?

I Want To Quit Smoking – But Not Just Yet